
Your TG Date Will Be Offended if You Ask These Questions
Before getting as far as outlining sensitive areas, it would be worth setting the scene. Perhaps you’re relatively new to Internet matching sites, let alone TG dating, but have been considering getting familiar with a trans single for some time. What you need to appreciate from the outset is what makes someone trans – getting […]
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The Most Useful Transgender Resources for Transgender People
Coming out as transgender is one of the most difficult and terrifying challenges a person can face. So many individuals feel like they are on their own and have no support when it comes to accepting how they truly are. However, we are here to tell you that this is not the case. There are […]
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Transgender Movies
If we are to choose the top 10 transgender movies, we must first decide how we class a movie as transgender. Before the 1960s, there were glimpses of the transgender issues and identity in mainstream cinema. An example of this is Some Like It Hot with Tony Curtis and Jack Lemon playing the parts of […]
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Five Famous Black Transgender Women Who Will Inspire You
In a world where the black community and the LGBTQ+ community have both been victims of discrimination, coming out as a black transgender woman might seem like one of the most difficult things to do. However, nowadays, these members of these groups can turn on the television and see a famous black transgender woman staring […]
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Transgender Jokes That Will Actually Make You Laugh
When you think of transgender jokes, your mind immediately goes to those hateful and sarcastic comments which crop up on social media links. Most of these jibes are born out disrespect and ignorance and result in a lot of people being offended. However, transgender people love transgender jokes as much as anybody. After all, if […]
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The Best Transgender Quotes of All Time
The world is rapidly changing for transgender people. Thanks to a number of celebrity role models in the spotlight, transgender youths are seeing themselves represented in all areas of the media and popular culture. Stars like Laverne Cox and Caitlyn Jenner have helped establish a new “normal”. Through their words and actions, they have inspired […]
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Spice Up Your Dating Experience WithTransgender Surgery
Transgender surgery not only enhances your love-making experience but also keeps a healthy relationship. Here is how it works. Transgender Surgery Surgical sex reassignment as a way of transgender transformation has many physical, psychological, and social benefits. By being trapped in a body that you do not identify with, you end up being overly anxious, […]
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Transgender History As Evidence of A Strong-Willed People
The transgender history is filled with pain and a strong will to overcome by individuals who refused to be silenced by an ignorant society. The Transgender History Transgender history, contrary to myth peddled by hostile transgender critics, starts way back before human civilization. Apart from the presence of transgender depictions in ancient art and literature, […]
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Trasvestite Vs Transgender Simplified
When looking for a transgender date, ensure that you have a clear understanding of transvestite vs transgender. Transvestites are not transgender and vice versa. Transgender vs Transvestite A transgender person is one who is allocated a wrong gender identity at birth. They live their lives feeling trapped in the wrong body and may end up […]
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A Review of Hot Transgender Sex Stories: 5 Hot & Spicy Stories
We do love stories, they are a beautiful way of connecting with people’s experiences. Reading “Hot Transgender Sex Stories” by Lisa Young, you can realize just how sensual transgender sex could be. You can learn a few tips that you can also pick to enhance your bedroom experience. Before we delve into the text, here […]
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