
Transgender Bathroom Myths
Blog 16-09-2021

What Are the Main Transgender Bathroom Myths in the USA?

Ok, so let’s talk about trans bathrooms. Whether you’ve got kids at school, work in an office, or even stop off at a service station, you’ve undoubtedly heard the row about transgender bathroom rights. The easiest way to unpack this debate is to consider both sides. Why People Are Against Transgender Bathrooms Schools are at […]

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Transgender People in military
Blog 16-09-2021

How Many Transgender People Serve in the Current US Military?

Until 2021, you’d find a very small number of transgender people in the military – Trump’s presidential policies effectively (although not always explicitly) made it illegal to serve in the forces as a trans person. However, in spring 2021, the Pentagon announced a new set of rules, which change everything! From 30th April, the rules […]

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Megan Thee Stallion
Blog 16-09-2021

Are the Megan Thee Stallion Transgender Rumours True?

Ok, so two main media stories led to the speculation over Megan Thee Stallion’s true gender: The first is that, in 2019, a social media video of Megan twerking went viral, with claims that male genitalia could be seen through her tiny swimwear. The second was when Megan showed public support for a trans woman […]

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MMA Transgender Fighter
Blog 16-09-2021

Fact-Checking 3 MMA Transgender Fighter Fox Untrue Myths

Amid the clamor and controversy, much has been said about the story concerning the MMA transgender fighter rumored to have broken a competitor’s skull – but what really happened? Is this an authentic concern about allowing trans people to compete in professional sports or a cynical way to further damage the rights and equality offered […]

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Blog 28-07-2021

Unraveling the Mystery of What Causes Transgenderism

So, What Are the Real Reasons? First, we should make one thing clear. Transgenderism is not a disease. So, we will not be talking in terms of what “causes” it. We will be talking about the uniqueness of this sexual orientation. It is disheartening to see that the “Diagnostic and Statistical Manual-4th Edition” enlists gender […]

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Gender Dysphoria
Blog 28-07-2021

Do I Have Gender Dysphoria? Answering All Your Queries

Talking About Gender Dysphoria Transgenders suffer from gender dysphoria at some point in their life. In our society, when a child is born, he/she is assigned to gender based on physical appearances. That can be deceiving. There may be a boy living in the girl’s body and vice versa. Now, that leaves a deep impact […]

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Are Transgender People Gay
Blog 28-07-2021

Are Transgender People Gay? Talking About the Misconceptions

Why is There so Much Confusion? LGBTQ is the umbrella term used for the genders that do not conform to binary sex. Here, “G” is for gay, and “T” is for transgender. This means that both are different. People ask this question because our society is yet to embrace this gender diversity. Male and female […]

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Blog 23-07-2021

Why Does Grindr Have Different Rules for Trans Women?

It’s time to find out which rules Grindr has about trans dating for tranny women and why they are going against the public’s acceptance! Grindr rules for Trans Women You Need to Know Since its launch in 2009, Grindr speedily becomes one of the most sought-after tranny dating sites for the queer community. Modern, inclusive, […]

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Blog 23-07-2021

What You Need to Know About Transsexual Prostitution

Causes and Effects of Transsexual Prostitution Wandering down the streets of West Virginia Avenue, it’s such a common scene to spot transgender women and female sex workers alike holding a bag of condoms and a stack of business cards. Waiting for their steady trickle of clients, these women take over the darkest alleyways and street […]

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Blog 23-07-2021

A Proper Understanding of the Japanese Transvestites

As a traditional Asian country, Japan sheds very little light on the transgender community. Even though the history of cross-dressing males has dated back centuries, the struggles for transgender people in Japan are still invisible to the public. Unlike Western countries such as America, Japan has little tolerance when it comes to transgender recognition. Little […]

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