What Are the Best Transgender Sex Movies You Need to Watch?

Transgender Movies

We all know that trans people have routinely been discriminated against in Hollywood.

Very few professional non-CIS actors have made it to the big screen, and where characters in a narrative were trans, it was common for these to be played by CIS actors.

However, there are some trailblazers out there making their mark – so let’s check out the top trans movies for your viewing pleasure!

2015: The Danish Girl

While Eddie Redmayne isn’t trans himself, he plays a Danish painter 90 years ago who transitions from a man to a female.

The movie is about the relationship between a couple and how they navigate the complex emotions and feelings when one partner is trans.

This movie is loosely based on fact and shows how the main character became one of the first people ever to attempt surgical gender reassignment back in 1930.

It’s graceful, beautiful, heart-wrenching, and moving. A great movie to educate people who may have had misconceptions about trans people.

2018: Assassination Nation

The great thing about this film? Hari Nef is a genuine trans actor.

Not for those with a nervous disposition, Assassination Nation is about a town that turns on four teenage girls after private secrets and a video of suicide are leaked on social media.

What’s fabulous is that this isn’t a movie about violence or discrimination as such, but it shows the girls fighting back.

Perhaps an artistic portrayal of the fight for equality trans people face every day?

2017: A Fantastic Woman

Another notable trans film, with a bona fide gender-fluid actor!

Daniela Vega was nominated for a Grammy, a first for a trans person.

The story looks at a trans woman whose partner dies unexpectedly and is forced to justify and prove her relationship with her deceased lover.

2015: Tangerine

Now, this film caused a bit of controversy when it was released. Why?

  • It’s about two trans sex workers.
  • The directors shot all the footage on an iPhone.
  • The actors are authentically trans.

We love that Tangerine is based on real-life people, not a generic view of a non-CIS person as a victim – the characters are honest, funny, and extremely well-acted.

2018: Man Made

With transgender rights in sports a big issue, Man Made came along at a great time to shed some insights onto the topic.

Filmed at the only all-gender bodybuilding contest, the movie follows four trans males, showing how they underwent physical and mental transformations to participate in a purely visual sport.

There are no actors in the documentary, so everything you see represents the reality of the Trans FitCon event held in Atlanta!

2010: Disclosure

If you’re interested in non-CIS representation in movies, you have undoubtedly heard of the legendary Laverne Cox!

Disclosure is a documentary looking at how Hollywood treats transgender people, how significant the impact is on American culture, and why it’s vital for the media to show a variety of authentic non-CIS stories to increase understanding.

The movie was produced by Cox and directed by Sam Feder.

Why Are More Trans Movies Being Made?

It’s fair to say that the vast majority of mainstream movies don’t have any non-CIS actors and don’t focus specifically on issues faced by trans people.

However, we’re seeing a significant shift in how this small, often marginalized group is treated.

From finding the best dating sites created explicitly for non-CIS singles to watching movies on the big screen that portray or showcase trans individuals, it’s a big step for gender non-conformists to finally get a bit of representation.

Watch an older trans movie, such as The Celluloid Closet from 1995, and you’ll see the difference between how trans liberation is perceived and shown on the screen.

More movies, more media, and more visibility – they’re all great things to help raise awareness and focus the debate on the issues that really matter.

Hollywood has a big part to play here and can use its power and global reach to help people worldwide gain greater understanding and feel comfortable knowing how to be an ally.

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